
Friday, 4 September 2015

How to Take Care of Eyes in this Digital World.

How to Take Care of Eyes in Digital World.

People are spending too much time on Digital Devices without thinking about there Eyes, Eyes are one of the most precious and useful blessing of God, We can,t live without our eyes and cannot enjoy our lives as we are.

Here are some ways that are helping me and might help you taking care of those Eyes.

1 Keep your distance far enough from screen. 

Keeping enough distance from the screen is very important, do not sit too close to the screen i repeat do not sit too close to the screen it is best to stay away an arm length from the Screen.

2 Adjust the Brightness.

Adjusting the brightness is very important on you PC or on your smartphone, i found a very cool app Called F.lux it makes your digital life easier and automatically adjust the light level of you PC or smartphone. it is available for both Computers and Smartphones.

3 Take Breaks.

Don't just keep using your digital device if you really care about your eyes taking breaks does matter, The American Optometric recommends that looking at the screen continuously for 2 hours, you should take a 12 minutes break, in this time blink,close your eyes and let them relax. 

4 Stop using any device if you feel strain in eyes.

If you feel eye strain or headaches using digital devices stop using them for a while these symptoms are not permanent and can be undo by taking a long brake but if overlooked can cause permanent eye problems.

5 Ask Doctor about specialized glasses.

You can ask your Doc for these specialized glasses they are specially made for reducing glare from the screen and does not put whole lot of pressure on eyes.
I hope these tips helped you
Visit your Doctor regularly 
Take care of those precious eyes while you have.

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